Brute Force – Episode 23 – A Bold Plan

Mort and Lola, separated from their friends by happenstance and abs, are summoned to Prince Amathur’s tent to plan out an attack on King Eloy. Will they manage to impress their would-be liege lord with their tactical prowess?

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If you haven’t already secured your tickets to GeeklyCon 2017, now is a great time. I mean it’s been a great time already, but now is extra great. Long live House Cinderheart.

Brute Force features Adam Bash as the storyteller, Carly Shields as Lola, John Caulfield as Mort McCoy, Bijaya Shrestha as Mirka, and Patrick Rankin as Ezra. We play a heavily refluffed version of World of Darkness set in the mystical lands of Eorith.

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